Cultivating positive psychology and inclusive education in Hong Kong higher education
Enhancing career adaptability and career development self-efficacy of sen school leavers in Hong Kong會議論文
Quality music teaching and learning in Hong Kong kindergartens會議論文
Using the family resemblance approach to inform STEAM education期刊論文
Differences in interaction strategy use between L1 and L2 group discussions of primary school students期刊論文
Students’ science achievement in cognitive domains: Effects of practical work and clarity of instruction期刊論文
Exploring EAP students' perceptions of GenAI and traditional grammar-checking tools for language learning期刊論文
Fostering secondary students’ entrepreneurial attributes and aspirations through a theory-informed learning management system期刊論文
Leadership for action on climate change: The role of education policy and professional standards in the Hong Kong context期刊論文
Dynamic interplays between self-regulated learning and computational thinking in primary school students through animations and worksheets期刊論文
Life and values education in Hong Kong章節
An account of environmental education in Hong Kong: The role of non-formal and informal education章節