Journal Articles
Teachers' engagement at work: An international validation study
- Teachers' engagement at work: An international validation study
- Klassen, Robert M. University of York, Great Britain
- Aldhafri, Said Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
- Mansfield, Caroline F. Murdoch University, Australia
- Purwanto, Edy Semarang State University, Indonesia
- Siu, Angela F. Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Wong, Marina W. Hong Kong Baptist University
- Woods McConney, Amanda Murdoch University, Australia
- Journal of Experimental Education, 80(4), 317-337, 2012
- Routledge
- 2012
- Netherlands (Utrecht) Australia Canada China Hong Kong Indonesia Oman Internal Consistency Elementary Secondary Education Job Satisfaction Structural Equation Models Socioeconomic Status Multidimensional Scaling Elementary School Teachers Secondary School Teachers Comparative Analysis Work Experience Program Validation Teacher Motivation Teaching Experience Comparative Education Goodness of Fit Predictor Variables Measures (Individuals) Work Ethic Gender Differences Comparative Testing Item Analysis Factor Analysis Teacher Persistence Factor Structure Beliefs
- Netherlands
- Australia
- Canada
- China
- Hong Kong
- Indonesia
- Oman
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- Secondary Education
- This study explored the validity of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale in a sample of 853 practicing teachers from Australia, Canada, China (Hong Kong), Indonesia, and Oman. The authors used multigroup confirmatory factor analysis to test the factor structure and measurement invariance across settings, after which they examined the relationships between work engagement, workplace well-being (job satisfaction and quitting intention), and contextual variables (socioeconomic status, experience, and gender). The 1-factor version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale was deemed preferable to the 3-factor version and showed acceptable fit to the cross-national data. The 1-factor Utrecht Work Engagement Scale showed good internal consistency and similar relationships with workplace well-being and contextual variables across settings. The Utrecht Work Engagement Scale was invariant within broadly construed Western and non-Western groups but not across Western and non-Western groups. The authors concluded that the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale needs further development before its use can be supported in further cross-cultural research.[Copyright of Journal of Experimental Education is the property of Routledge. Full article may be available at the publisher's website:]
- Contains 4 tables
- English
- Journal Articles
- 00220973
- 2014-01-18
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