Conference Papers
Enhancing students’ positive life values and well-being
- Enhancing students’ positive life values and well-being
- Chan, Ka Shing Kevin The Education University of Hong Kong
- Lee, Chi Kin John The Education University of Hong Kong
- Chan, Wing Yan Arita The Education University of Hong Kong
- Leung, Nga Man The Education University of Hong Kong
- Yu, Baohua The Education University of Hong Kong
- Chen, Junjun The Education University of Hong Kong
- Tang, Hau Yu Christine The Education University of Hong Kong
- Wang, Lai Yin Sarah The Education University of Hong Kong
- International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2021 (ICLT 2021) (2021: The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Unknown or Unspecified
- A Community of Practice (CoP) was established in 2020 to promote positive life values and well-being among university students in the Education University of Hong Kong. The CoP team has adopted the Heaven, People, Environment, and Self perspectives to conduct life education and positive education and help students learn about transcendental, communal, environmental, and personal well-being. In this symposium, the CoP team members will share the results of a cross-sectional survey study about the levels and predictors of university students’ meaning in life and positive mental health. The CoP team members will also introduce a newly developed online learning platform, the E-hub for Life Education and Positive Education, which shares learning resources and teaching materials related to life education and positive education. Moreover, the CoP team members will introduce a collaborative digital storytelling project related to positive education, in which students are trained to create and reflect on a series of digital stories that highlight different contributing factors of a positive life, including personal character strengths and positive values (e.g., determination, courage, and bravery), family love and support, and friendship and collaboration. The CoP team members will discuss how these non-formal learning activities help students enhance personal, family and social well-being, and develop reflective skills and values-laden perspectives in their personal and professional lives. Copyright © 2021 ICLT.
- Paper presented at International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2021 (ICLT 2021), The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
- English
- Conference Papers
- 2024-03-14
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