- 反思幼稚園的全語文學習
- Reflections on whole language learning in kindergarten
- 香港教師中心學報, 5, 1-8, 2006
- 香港
- 香港教師中心
- 2006
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 學前教育
- 不少文獻顯示全語文學習,可以促地幼兒的語文發展,尤其對提升語文學習的興趣有莫大幫助 · 本文建基於實語研究 · 旨在探討幼稚園全語文學習的成效,並提出建議 · 以求提升幼兒語文學習的效能。 Whole Language Learning as indicated by literature is a way of nurturing language development of children, especially in increasing the interest of language learning. Based on empirical research, this paper attempts to examine the effectiveness of Whole Language Learning in the context of kindergarten education and to suggest ways to improve language ability of children. [Copyright of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre at http://www.edb.org.hk/hktc]
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 16828984
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/4b1a9032
- 2010-12-01
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探究課程政策對教師遊戲教學信念的影響: 以香港兩所幼稚園教師為例期刊論文