Journal Articles
Using attainment data to enhance the learning effectiveness of all students
- Using attainment data to enhance the learning effectiveness of all students
- Hong Kong Special Education Forum, 14, 1-21, 2012
- Special Education Society of Hong Kong Ltd.
- 2012
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Unknown or Unspecified
- ALL students, irrespective of their learning abilities and medical disabilities, should have access to the principles and practices of mainstream education. This is the guiding principle of equal opportunity in education that has been successfully promoted by the concept of inclusion. This paper identifies a diversity-based approach that requires special schools to look at their provision through the pedagogical, curriculum management and assessment procedures that apply to students of all levels of attainment. It provides a mainstream education perspective and not a special school education perspective. In 2006 a team of teachers from nine special schools in Hong Kong with the full range of classified learning difficulties joined a curriculum development Project called SAME and initiated the writing of one new common curriculum based on mainstream education. (The SAME Curriculum Project, 2008). Then in 2009 they wrote a form of continuous ipsative assessment to cover their common curriculum. The assessment tool called SCALE has been used for the past three years in the nine project schools to collect criteria (CASE, 2009). The results of this cross-school and within-school comparison of student attainment data provide for the first time, insight for schools to review their pattern of curriculum orientation and compare this with other schools with students of similar ability levels. Such information is crucial to inform school in curriculum management planning that will raise the level of student attainment. This paper explains how SCALE was written and explores the emerging data across schools to support yearly school review and planning; it explores the emerging data within school for classes; and it explores the emerging data to support teacher's practices with individual students. 平等教育機會及融合教育的主導原則是所有學生,不管他的學習能力及殘疾為何,應有機會透過主流教育的原則及方法進行學習。本文介紹一種以學習差異為本的教學方法,要求特殊學校透過一種適合所有能力水平學生的課程管理,評估程序及教學方式去檢視學校的教與學,同時以主流教育的視野作為設計的基礎。2006年一群來自九間特殊學校的老師,當中包括不同弱能類別及不用程度學習困難的學生,參加了一個名為融通計劃,並開始以主流課程為基礎撰寫一套適合各學校使用的共同課程。及至2009年他們撰寫了一套配對這共同課程的評估工具。並在過去三年間,九間學校俱使用這份名為融通學習成效量表的評估活動及評核準則去收集學生學習表現的數據,這些跨校及原校學生能力表現數據的比較資料,首次讓學校可以客觀地檢視學校本身課程取向的成效及與其他學生能力相似的學校作出比較。資料對學校策劃提昇學生學習水平的課程管理極為重要。本文旨在介紹融通學習成效量表的撰寫過程及內容,同時亦探討了這些跨校級同校的比較數據如何能支援學校年終檢討,如何能支援教師的個別教學。 [Copyright of Hong Kong Special Education Forum is the property of Special Education Society of Hong Kong Ltd.. Full article may be available at the publisher's website:]
- English
- Journal Articles
- 15627861
- 2019-03-07
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