- “學科教學知識'”的探討:以師範生“教師漢語元語言意識”發展為例
- 全球語境下漢語文教育的建設與發展
- 北京市
- 開明出版社
- 2016
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 專上教育
- 大學教育無疑是追求學術卓越,綜合大學的中文主修學習當然朝著學術專精方向發展。筆者任教香港教育學院開辦的“中國語文教育榮譽學士”課程的“現代漢語”科目多年在學院確立“超越教育”的新發展方向中,不斷反思師資培育課程的中文主修學習的定位問題。本論文通過“中國語文教育榮譽學士”課程的“現代漢語”科目教學和學習成果分析,探討師資培育課程中學科學習的意義。
- 中文
- 章節
- 9787513126410
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/a2bf039a
- 2016-10-11
Barriers to entry as barriers to identity: Short stories of the struggles of ethnic minority English language teachers to enter teaching in Hong Kong章節
Creating pathways for cultural inclusion: Informal learning and teacher education in Hong Kong章節
A philosophical approach to teacher education章節
A study on social interactions among primary students in English vocabulary acquisition in a mobile learner-generated content learning environment章節
Teacher education in a postcolonial Hong Kong: Forms, drivers, influences, and agency章節
Melancholy in narratives of early career English teachers in Hong Kong章節
A corpus-based approach to learning and teaching Cantonese章節
Translanguaging and trans-semiotising in a public relations writing course: Exploring heteroglossic co-becoming in a higher education institute in Hong Kong章節