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  • 71. Teachers’ responses to student assessment reform in a Chinese context
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2007
    Conference: Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference: Culture, Knowledge and Understanding (2007: Singapore)
  • 72. Assessment reform in Hong Kong schools
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: SA-eDUC, 9(1), 1-11, 2012
    Year published: 2012
  • 73. 試論普通話水平測試能否測定香港普通話科教師的普通話水平
    By: 鄭崇楷
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 449-458
    Year published: 1997
    City published: 台北
    Publisher: 世界華語文教育學會
  • 74. 試論香港中學會考課程「中國語文科」 (1989-1999) 之教學程式與語文成績評估
    By: 馬顯慈
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 435-458
    Year published: 2002
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 商務印書館
  • 75. 公開考試對課本內容的影響
    By: 張壽洪
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Conference: 2014-2015年度香港教育學院中國語言學系語文教育學術討論會 (2014: 香港教育學院,香港,中國)
  • 76. PISA 2012 電子閱讀素養研究成果對語文教育的啟示
    By: 文英玲
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Conference: 2014-2015年度香港教育學院中國語言學系語文教育學術討論會 (2014: 香港教育學院,香港,中國)
  • 77. Growth trajectories of mathematics achievement: Longitudinal tracking of student academic progress
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Year published: 2014
    City published: United Kingdom
    Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • 78. 使用Rasch 測量模式分析小學生《教學反饋量表》的心理屬性
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: 心理學探新, 32(5), 387-396, 2012
    Year published: 2012
  • 79. The role of contextual effects in predicting the academic progress of students in Hong Kong secondary schools
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2002
    Conference: 15th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement (ICSEI): Democratic Learning (2002: Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • 80. Assessment for learning in Hong Kong schools: Implementation and evaluation
    Document Type: Conference Papers
    Year published: 2010
    Conference: The 2nd East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research: Teacher Education for the Future: International Perspectives (2010: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China.)

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