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  • 11. Academic listening strategy use at an English-medium University
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: Asian ESP Journal, 16(3), 8-29, 2020
    Year published: 2020
  • 12. Chinese ESL learners’ perceptual errors of English connected speech: Insights into listening comprehension
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: System, 98, 2021
    Year published: 2021
    Publisher: Elsevier
  • 13. The use of L1 in English reading lessons of Hong Kong Chinese-medium secondary schools
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: International Journal of Instruction, 13(2), 863-880, 2020
    Year published: 2020
    Publisher: International Journal of Instruction
  • 14. Improving English learners' speaking through mobile-assisted peer feedback
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Year published: 2020
    Publisher: Sage Publications Ltd.
  • 15. Integrating international exchange students into local service-learning projects in Hong Kong: Key factors for effectiveness
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 62-67
    Year published: 2019
    City published: Hong Kong
    Publisher: ICSL
  • 16. Developing academic presentation competence in EAP classroom
    Document Type: Book Chapters
    Pages: 307-326
    Year published: 2017
    City published: Hauppauge, New York
    Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
  • 17. Developing and evaluating a flipped corpus-aided English pronunciation teaching approach for pre-service teachers in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Year published: 2020
    Publisher: Routledge
  • 18. The synergistic effect of phonology and songs on enhancing second/foreign language listening abilities
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Year published: 2019
    Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • 19. Infusing moral education into English language teaching: An ontogenetic analysis of social values in EFL textbooks in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Year published: 2019
    Publisher: Routledge
  • 20. Evaluating supplementary and mainstream ESL/EFL education: Learners' views from secondary- and tertiary-level perspectives
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: Studies in Educational Evaluation, 62(0), 61-71, 2019
    Year published: 2019
    Publisher: Elsevier Ltd.

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