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  • 1221. 香港家長參與學童學習中文的調查研究
    By: 文英玲
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: 基礎教育學報, 15(1), 13-36, 2006
    Year published: 2006
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 香港中文大學香港教育硏究所
  • 1222. 香港中學生人格特質的性別差異及其發展性分析
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: 心理學報, 40(9), 1002-1012, 2008
    Year published: 2008
    City published: China
    Publisher: Chinese Psychological Society; Institute of Psychology, Academia Sinica
  • 1223. Parental choice of primary schools in Hong Kong
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: Journal of Basic Education, 13(2), 79-105, 2004
    Year published: 2004
    City published: Hong Kong
    Publisher: Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research
  • 1224. Parenting gifted and talented children: An overview and some practical considerations for Hong Kong Chinese parents
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: Journal of Basic Education, 9/10(2), 37-51, 2000
    Year published: 2000
    City published: Hong Kong
    Publisher: Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research
  • 1225. 家長的另類選擇:從「插班生」再論香港鄉村學校存在的意義
    By: 羅慧燕
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, (52), 109-116, 2005
    Year published: 2005
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 香港教師會
  • 1226. 運用課程調適照顧學生的個別差異:從教師的觀點分析
    By: 羅耀珍
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, (49), 122-129, 2004
    Year published: 2004
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 香港教師會
  • 1227. Hong Kong preservice teachers' achievement goal orientations--Are they related to their gender and electives?
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal, 1, 20-31, 2002
    Year published: 2002
    City published: Hong Kong
    Publisher: Hong Kong Teachers' Centre
  • 1228. 反思幼稚園的全語文學習
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: 香港教師中心學報, 5, 1-8, 2006
    Year published: 2006
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 香港教師中心
  • 1229. Empowering band-5 students: 'Top-Teen' an intensive program to improve self-image, self-mastery and self-motivation among underachieving students
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: Journal of Youth Studies, 4(1), 179-192, 2001
    Year published: 2001
    City published: Hong Kong
    Publisher: The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
  • 1230. 教育是否改善跨代貧窮的有效途徑?
    By: 袁月梅
    Document Type: Journal Articles
    Source: 青年研究學報, 9(1), 64-71, 2006
    Year published: 2006
    City published: 香港
    Publisher: 香港青年協會

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