Conference Papers
Learning organic chemistry through the use of a computer supported collaborative learning environment - A case study
- Learning organic chemistry through the use of a computer supported collaborative learning environment - A case study
- International conference on computers in education 2003: A conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), 2-5 December, 2003, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre: The second wave…
- Hong Kong
- International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2003)
- 2003
- International Conference on Computers in Education (2003: Hong Kong, China)
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Secondary Education
- Many Hong Kong students find learning organic chemistry hard as the subject requires them to master complex knowledge and higher order thinking skills. This paper reports a case study of adopting ChemSense, a computer-supported collaborative learning package for learning and teaching of chemistry, to support the learning of organic chemistry for a group of matriculation level students in Hong Kong. Data regarding the students' views of the usefulness of collaborative learning and ChemSense were collected and analyzed. Although there is no statistical evidence to conclude that students who worked collaboratively can improve their individuals' knowledge of the subject matters better than those who did not, evidence of knowledge construction was identified when examining the content of students' discussions. The students in the experimental group also showed improvement in learning attitude and were positive towards the adoption of collaborative learning in studying organic chemistry.
- CD-ROM includes all proceeding papers in PDF format
- English
- Conference Papers
- 9629491443
- 2011-05-27
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