Conference Papers
Enhancing learning and understanding in teacher education using PBL teams
- Enhancing learning and understanding in teacher education using PBL teams
- 2000
- 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Problem-Based Learning (2000: Singapore)
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Post-Secondary Education
- The project was presented at the first PBL Conference held in Hong Kong in 1999. What follows is a progress report of the findings of the project during the past year. The objectives of the project remain as follows: · Increase collaborative learning through quality learning teams and PBL; To enhance academic outcomes of individual members of the quality learning team using PBL techniques; To inculcate a constructivism culture within the quality learning teams through PBL; To enhance both learning and instruction strategies through PBL; To encourage and increase motivation of both the quality learning team and each of its individual members by immersion in PBL techniques; To increase student achievement and create a positive student attitude of quality learning teams and their individual members by adopting PBL. It has been found that using small PBL learning teams not only created extremely motivated students whose reflective skills constantly improved, but, also engendered a much improved attitude in language acquisition skill as each team confronted the difficulties of a second language. In adopting PBL techniques within small learning teams it has also been found that the Confucian precept of learning and of collectivism fits well with the Chinese culture. Cultural perspectives added to the PBL psychology thus increasing understanding and reflection.
- Paper presented at the 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Problem-Based Learning.
- English
- Conference Papers
- 2015-01-23
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