Journal Articles
Service-learning model at Lingnan University: Development strategies and outcome assessment
- Service-learning model at Lingnan University: Development strategies and outcome assessment
- 嶺南大學服務研習計劃:發展策略和成果評估
- New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Association, 57(3), 57-73, 2009
- Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Teachers' Association
- 2009
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Post-Secondary Education
- Background: The Service-Learning and Research Scheme (SLRS) is the showcase of Lingnan's Service-Learning model, which is the manifestation of Lingnan University's Liberal Arts education and mission "Education for Service". The scheme was a pilot project, from 2004 to 2005, which led to the development of a University-wide protocol for Service-Learning at Lingnan University. Aims: This paper highlights the processes and the strategies of incorporating Service-Learning into courses, based on the experiences in Lingnan University. Implementation and evaluation models are suggested to provide a framework for other interested parties to apply Service-Learning in their learning and teaching. Results: This is a descriptive analysis, associating outcome measurement (three outcomes: "ABC" quality--Adaptability, Brainpower and Creativity) through the process of Service-Learning. Evaluation contents and guidelines for doing Service-Learning are developed based on the past experience in doing Service-Learning at Lingnan. The research element procedures offer instructors with guidance as well as a well-defined protocol and evaluation for Service-Learning programs in Lingnan. Conclusion: In consolidating the above experience and in detailing the validity of the Lingnan Model of Service-Learning, a manual is produced documenting our efforts. This is the first manual which can be the protocol of applying Service-Learning in higher education for students' whole-person development. 背景:服務研習計劃正好展示了嶺南大學的服務研習模式。服務研習計劃是嶺南大學博雅教育及辦學宗旨「作育英才,服務社會」的實踐。計劃在2004年至2005年推行先導試驗計劃,並有助嶺南大學發展全校性的服務研習計劃草案。 目標:本文以嶺南大學的服務研習計劃作例,握要說明將服務研習元素融入在課程中的程式和策略,並提供執行程式和評估模式的架構,以供其他有興趣人士將服務研習融入在學習和教學中。 結果:本文結合了服務研習成果評估方法(三項成果 “ABC”素質:Adaptability 適應力、Brainpower智力和Creativity 創造力)的描述性分析。實踐服務研習評估內容和指引是建基於過往在嶺南大學執行服務研習的經驗而制定的。研究元素能為導師提供明確的嶺南大學服務研習執行指引、草案及評估。 結論:本文作者統整過往經驗,以推出執行手冊,手冊並詳細列出嶺南模式的服務研習計劃的有效性。這本執行手冊是第一本有關應用服務研習的草案,推動高等教育界學生的全人發展。[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]
- English
- Journal Articles
- 16831381
- 2010-12-02
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