Conference Papers
Academic banding and Hong Kong pupil's attitudes toward technology
- Academic banding and Hong Kong pupil's attitudes toward technology
- 1999
- Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) 16th Annual Conference: Exploring New Frontiers in Education (1999: Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China)
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Secondary Education
- Hong Kong's policy of academic banding, whereby students are placed in secondary schools according to factors such as test scores and available places, often influences the type of education a student receives. In the area of technology education, with subjects such as Design & Technology (D&T), the programs vary, depending on the band of student in the program. This study examined pupils' attitudes toward technology and what effect the characteristics of banding and subjects such as D&T had on attitudes. Using a 58-item instrument to gauge Pupils' Attitudes Toward Technology, over 3,000 students were surveyed from 17 schools. Of these schools, seven were from upper band (1&2), while ten were from lower band schools (4&5). Basic characteristics of the students' were obtained on such areas as mother's and father's occupation, computers at home, and whether or not they have taken "technology" subjects such as D&T in school. Attitudes were grouped in categories of "Interest", "Role Patterns", "Technology is Difficulty", Consequences of Technology", "School Curriculum", and "Career Aspirations". The results indicated interactions with three of the six attitude categories. The results suggested a review of the approach to teaching technology and student access to such courses is required.
- Paper presented at the Hong Kong Educational Research Association (HKERA) 16th Annual Conference: Exploring New Frontiers in Education
- English
- Conference Papers
- 2015-07-29
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