
搜尋結果: 顯示第 1-10 筆資料 (共 57 筆)
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  • 1. English as the language of instruction at secondary level: Challenges and pedagogical implications
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: The Journal of Asia TEFL, 7(2), 91-122, 2010
    出版年: 2010
  • 3. Strategic use of nouns and pronouns in public discourse: The case of the fine-tuning of the medium of instruction policy in Hong Kong
    作者: Ho, Victor
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Pragmatics, 23(1), 51-67, 2013
    出版年: 2013
    出版地: Antwerp, Belgium
    出版者: International Pragmatics Association
  • 4. Teaching Chinese in Putonghua in post-colonial Hong Kong: Problems and challenges for teachers and administrators
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Language, Culture and Curriculum, 25(2), 103-122, 2012
    出版年: 2012
    出版者: Routledge
  • 5. The internationalization of tertiary education in Asia: Language, identity and conflict
    作者: Trent, John
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Journal of Research in International Education, 11(1), 50-69, 2012
    出版年: 2012
    出版者: Sage Publications
  • 6. The medium of instruction and classroom interaction: Evidence from Hong Kong secondary schools
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    出版年: 2012
    出版者: Routledge
  • 7. Teachers' misconceptions and questionable practices when using Putonghua as the medium-of-instruction: A case study of Hong Kong
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 18(6), 655-673, 2012
    出版年: 2012
    出版者: Routledge
  • 8. The impact of curiosity and external regulation on intrinsic motivation: An empirical study in Hong Kong education
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Psychology Research, 2(5), 295-307, 2012
    出版年: 2012
    出版者: David Publishing Co., Inc.
  • 10. Does the switch of medium of instruction facilitate the language learning of students? a case study of Hong Kong from teachers' perspective
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Language and Education, 25(5), 399-417, 2011
    出版年: 2011
    出版地: London
    出版者: Routledge

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