簡述香港小學中文科目融合教育之實戰案例:以教大 PDP 課程學校協作實踐為例
- 簡述香港小學中文科目融合教育之實戰案例:以教大 PDP 課程學校協作實踐為例
- 香港特殊教育期刊, 19, 58-69, 2017
- 特殊教育學會有限公司
- 2017
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 小學教育
- 香港教育大學中國語言學系提供的「照顧小學生中文的學習差異專業進修證書」課程,通過理論介紹與行動研究,幫助在職老師進一步了解、掌握、推動小學中文課室內融合教育,改善教學方法,提升教學質量,照顧學生不同需求,讓不同層次的學生在學習上都能有所提升,從而更好地在學校推行融合教育。此課程是一個雙向的課程,學員們不但能從課程中學到最新的理論,也可以從各自的學校的實戰當中相互分享先進實用的經驗。本文將列舉本課程中和學員一道進行的一部分行動研究,並闡述一些學校在融合教育當中對於協助具有特殊教育需要的同學在小學中國語文方面的中國語文校本課程計劃、照顧個別差異的課程評估,以及提升學生在閱讀教學中的興趣和投入感等方面的實戰經驗,使學界能對香港小學課室內中文科目融合教育有進一步的了解。The Department of Chinese Language Studies of The Education University of Hong Kong offers a “Certificate in Professional Development Programme on Catering for Student Diversity in Learning Chinese in Primary Schools” course. Through theoretical introduction and action research, the in-service teachers can better understand, master and promote their classroom integration in primary school Chinese classes and improve their teaching methods. The quality of teaching takes care of students' different needs and enables students of different levels to improve their learning so as to better integrate education in schools. This course is a two-way course, not only the in-service teachers can learn the latest theory from the course, but also share their advanced and practical experiences. This article will describe some of the action studies conducted in conjunction with the students in this course, and explain some of the schools' Chinese language school-based curriculum plans for assisting students with Special Educational Needs in elementary school Chinese language in integrated education. The practical experience of taking care of individual differences in curriculum assessments and enhancing students' interest in and interest in reading has enabled the academic community to have a better understanding of the integration of Chinese subjects in Hong Kong’s primary school classrooms. Copyright © 2017 特殊教育學會有限公司.
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 24147818
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/34df6001
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