From the assement of the ivory tower: English teachers as collaborative researchers
- From the assement of the ivory tower: English teachers as collaborative researchers
- English Teaching: Practice & Critique, 4(2), 62-71, 2005
- Universidad del Zulia
- 2005
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- This article reports on both writers' experiences as participants in a collaborative action research project in Hong Kong. The article draws a distinction between teachers as research consumers and teachers as research producers. The authors suggest that active teacher agency in research is a positive element in the professional development of English teachers. Teachers primarily become research producers through involvement in some form of action research project. Although action research is increasingly recognized as a teacher competency in Hong Kong, it is nevertheless difficult for teachers to initiate and conduct when research is not seen as a core professional activity by their school with subsequent limited support. The authors view collaboration with professional researchers as a positive way for teachers to be apprenticed into the research process. The article ends by suggesting possible strategies that would support and encourage teachers to undertake research.[Copyright of English Teaching: Practice & Critique is the property of Universidad del Zulia.Access via Directory of Open Access Journals: http://edlinked.soe.waikato.ac.nz/research/journal/index.php?id=1]
- 英文
- 期刊論文
- 11758708
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/0185e97d
- 2010-11-28
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