Journal Articles
- 內地與香港大學生的學業倦怠狀況及其自身因素的關係
- Burnout and the individual correlates of mainland and Hong Kong college students
- 青年研究學報, 9(2), 117-128, 2006
- 香港
- 香港青年協會
- 2006
- Hong Kong
- China
- 1997.7 onwards
- Post-Secondary Education
- 以273名內地大學生和368名香港大學生為被試比較了兩地學業倦怠的狀況及與其相關的個體因素。結果表明:內地大學生比香港大學生更外控,在學業倦怠量表上報告較少的衰竭感和譏誚態度,自我效能感上兩者無差異。內地大學生的外控性不能有效預測其學業倦怠,但兩地大學生的策略-情境匹配度以及主觀應對有效性,都能在內外控的基礎上,解釋較大比例的倦怠增益方差。 The current study explored student burnout and its predictors. Participants included 273 students on the mainland and 368 in Hong Kong. Results indicated that mainland students reported less exhaustion and cynicism than their Hong Kong counterparts, but the two groups did not show any differences in the professional efficacy dimension. Students from the mainland scored higher on external locus of control, but this did not contribute to predicting their burnout. For both groups of students, the matching of strategy to situation and the subjective judgement on coping effectiveness, in addition to locus of control, together explain the substantial incremental variance in burnout.[Copyright of Journal of Youth Studies is the property of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 10297847
- 2010-12-01
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