Journal Articles
- 校本評核經驗分享——應用學生問題表分析技術,提升進展性評估的質素
- School based assessment experiences sharing--Applying student-problem chart analysis for increasing qualities of formative assessment
- 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, (54), 88-103, 2006
- 香港
- 香港教師會
- 2006
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- 背景:為了配合教育改革,教師必須有能力分析試題,以及從中反省改進自己的教學,達到通過評核促進學生學習,改進教師教學,朝向教學與評核結合,提升師生的教與學的質素之目的。 目的或討論焦點:本文把如何應用學生問題分析表及相關係數技術,對試題進行分析及反思某小學三年級數學的教學及評核設計求取「促進學習的評核」的真實經驗,和同工分享學者和前線教師的合作成果。 論點/評論/建議:在應用學生問題分析方面,我們提出在發展評核過程中,要注視三種層次:1. 教師於編寫評核材料前,應要有明確的評核目的;2. 編寫評核材料時,必要留意題意的清晰度、深淺度,以及是否能區別生的能力和如實地反映個別學生的能力;3. 施測後,教師應從評核材料中反思自己的教學程式和方法,從而作出適當的調整,以迎合學生的學習方法和進度。 總結:要做到教學相長,教師就要有能力分析評核學生的工具是否合乎教學目的和需要,以及理解評核結果和教學的關係。因此,教師於整個教學流程中,要結合評核和教學,對編製的評核材料要先進行分析,並依據結果進行修訂,用以達到真正評核學生的能力,同時要在編製之評核材料嚴謹性和有效性加以關注。 Background: Education reform in Hong Kong stresses the learning function of assessment. It is important for teachers to know how to do item analysis of a test. By analyzing the items of the test, teachers will understand how their students have learnt. This will help teachers plan their teaching and eventually help students learn. Aims or focus of discussion: The author shares an "Assessment For Learning" experience of using Student-Problem Chart Analysis techniques and Correction Coefficient to a grade III Mathematical class in a Hong Kong primary school. Arguments / comments / suggestions: The experience informed that, when using SPCA, three levels of focus should be considered during the formulating process of assessment tools in class. They included: 1) clear assessment objectives for assessment materials; 2) items clarification, appropriation, discriminative power should be considered; 3) deep reflection of teaching procedures and methods from the assessment materials after the measurement. Teachers should adjust their actions in order to suit the needs of students learning and progress. Conclusion: It is essential for teachers to know how to analyze assessment tests. Good analysis entails being able to match learning objectives to the needs of their students. Deliberation should start well before the test is developed and after the results have been collected. Teachers should look into relevant materials when considering the test content, analyze the test items and reflect on their own teaching when data have been collected from students.[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16831381
- 2010-12-02
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