Journal Articles
- 教師對校本評核的信念及其回應評核改革之方法
- Teachers' beliefs on school-based assessment and their strategies coping with the assessment reform
- 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, 56(1), 71-84, 2008
- 香港
- 香港教師會
- 2008
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Secondary Education
- 背景:校本評核是教育改革的新方案,不少國家引入校本評核輔助公開考試,拓闊評核的基礎,提升學習效能,然而很多研究發現教師對評核變革的信念足以影響其實施。 目的:香港中學會考中國語文於2005-06學年實行校本評核,本研究以個案形式探討教師對校本評核的信念及其如何回應此變革。 研究對象:兩位高中中文教師 研究方法:採用半結構式訪談及檔分析蒐集資料 研究結果:研究發現乙老師支持校本評核,採取積極態度,安排各種評估活動,豐富學習與評核的內容;而甲老師卻持觀望態度,採取最省時省力的方法實施校本評核而不影響教與學的常態,反而致力幫助學生應付公開考試。 結論:研究揭示教師的信念影響其態度、決策與行動,為政策制定者帶來重要的啟示。 Background: School-based assessment is a new initiative of education reform. Many countries from different parts of the world have introduced SBA to supplement public examinations, broaden the assessment base and enhance learning effectiveness. However, many studies uncover teachers' beliefs, which affect the implementation of SBA. Aims: SBA has been implemented in Chinese Language of Hong Kong Certificate Education Examination since the academic year of 2005-06. This case study aimed at exploring teachers' beliefs on SBA and how they responded to the change. Sample: two Chinese Language teachers who teach senior forms Method: Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Results: The results showed that teacher B supported SBA and his attitude was positive. He was willing to arrange a variety of activities for assessment, enriching the contents of learning and assessment. However, teacher A with dubious attitude towards SBA, adopting time-saving and energy-saving strategies to implement SBA without hampering the norms of teaching and learning. Effort was focused on helping students prepare for the public examination. Conclusion: This study highlighted the importance of teachers' beliefs, which exerted influence to their attitudes, decision making and action. The findings have important implications to policy makers.[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16831381
- 2010-12-02
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