Journal Articles
- 誰決定香港新高中通識教育科的校本課程
- 全球教育展望, 40(5), 33-39, 2011
- 華東師範大學
- 2011
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Secondary Education
- 本文旨在探討香港新高中通識教育科的校本課程由誰來決定。本研究在2010年的暑假進行,透過半結構性的訪談以探索不同中學發展通識課程所採取的策略。研究者發現校長在通識科的課程決策上佔主導地位,通識科主任才是正真的課程領導,而科任教師多扮演追隨者的角色。 This paper aims to explore the position of different stakeholders in the development of the New Senior Secondary curriculum of Liberal Studies. This research was conducted in the summer of 2010 to investigate the curriculum development strategies used by different schools. It is found that subject panel heads are the authentic curriculum leaders even though school principal is the core person who makes the final curriculum decisions in school. Teachers prefer to act as the followers and often play passive roles. Copyright © 2011 華東師範大學.
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 10099670
- 2020-04-27
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