Journal Articles
- 透過課堂學習研究提升備課和觀課成效的行動研究,以新視窗打開
- Action research to enhance the effectiveness of lesson preparation and peer lesson observation through learning study
- 香港教師中心學報, 19, 135-161, 2020
- 香港教師中心
- 2020
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- 自教改以來,學校都建立了同儕備課及觀課的專業發展文化,期望教師互相學習、共同成長,然而,研究員發現當備課和觀課恆常化之後,往往流於形式和技術性討論,對於提升學與教質量的效能不彰。研究員嘗試在一所小學的中文科引入課堂學習研究的模式進行備課和觀課,從學習困難難點出發,分析學習內容及設計教學,並進行有系統的觀課、交流和反思,探討課堂學習研究對備課和觀課成效的影響,並認為提升教學滿足感和發展校本教研模式可以成為未來持續發展的關鍵。Since the reform of education, schools have formed a mode of professional development in collaborative lesson preparation and peer lesson observation with the expectation for creating the atmosphere of mutual learning and professional development. However, researchers have found that when lesson preparation and lesson observation become a usual practice in schools, it may hinder the effectiveness of professional development. Researchers attempt to incorporate the lesson study method in Chinese Language lessons to enforce collaborative lesson preparation and peer lesson observation. Based on the perspective of learning difficulties, the research team analyzed the teaching content and lesson plans, and conducted systematic lesson observation, communication and reflection in order to explore the effectiveness of using learning study model in lesson preparation and lesson observation. The team found that enhancing teaching satisfaction and developing a school-based learning study model could be a key to future sustainable development. Copyright © 2020 香港教師中心.
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16828984
- 2021-06-15
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