Journal Articles
- 理念與實踐:香港小學中國語文科教師對語文評估的意見調查
- Theory and practice: Comments on the new trend of assessment in view of Hong Kong primary Chinese language teachers
- 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, 55(1), 51-58, 2007
- 香港
- 香港教師會
- 2007
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- 背景: 近年,香港推行教學和評估的改革,很多教師有機會參與不同的培訓課程,認識到語文教學和評估的新趨勢。他們對實踐評估理念提出很多意見。 目的:1. 探討教師對語文評估新趨勢理念的認識和實踐的情況 ;2. 探討教師在現行語文評估遇到的困難 調查對象:研究對像是香港小學中國語文科教師,選取2005-2006年度,修讀香港教育學院中文學系舉辦的小學語文科教師專業進修課程的學員為研究樣本。 調查方法:本研究採用定量研究和定質研究兩種調查方式。定量研究方法是採用問卷調查方式,派發了九十份問卷,收回八十份,回收率達百分之八十九。定質研究方法是採用與教師面談方式,訪問六位元教師,他們來自不同的學校,教齡在五年以上。 調查結果:調查發現大部分教師認同指引中提出的評估理念,但是對於如何落實新的評估理念仍存有疑問的。教師應用多元化評估方法遇到了不少的困難。同時教師卻深受考試「倒流效應」的影響,教師為了應付「全港基本能力評估」,常給學生操練式的練習和補課,影響教師的課堂教學,妨礙了教師實行多元化的評估。 總結:香港近幾年提出了新的語文評估理念,研究發現教師對實踐評估理念是有困難的。要確切落實新語文評估的理念,教師培訓人員、校長、教師和家長多方面的支持和配合是不可或缺的。 Background: In recent years, reforms on Chinese language assessment have been introduced in Hong Kong. Teachers have attended different seminars about the new trend of assessment in Hong Kong and they have opinions on it. Aims: (1) To find out primary Chinese language teachers' perception and their implementation of the new assessment. (2)To explore the difficulties teachers encounter in the implementation of the new assessment. Sample: The sample was chosen from the in-service primary Chinese language teachers who enrolled in the five weeks retraining course during the academic year 2005-2006. They were qualified and experienced teachers. Method: Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used in this study. Questionnaires were sent to 90 in-service primary Chinese language teachers and 80 returned the questionnaires, the return rate is 89%. Then, a total of six teachers were interviewed, all are experienced teachers with at least five years of teaching. Results: Finding indicates that many teachers agree with the rationale of the new assessment, however, they do not actually know how to implement it in their classrooms. They encounter difficulties in implementation. The 'backwash effect' has great impact on their teaching. Conclusion: Finding indicates that many teachers encounter problems in the implementation of the rationale of new assessment. However, it is suggested that with the support of the teacher educators, principals, parents and teachers, such problems will be solved.[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16831381
- 2010-12-02
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