Conference Papers
Students' attitudes toward including students with disabilities in regular PE settings in Hong Kong and Taiwan
- Students' attitudes toward including students with disabilities in regular PE settings in Hong Kong and Taiwan
- 2005
- Second International Conference on Inclusive Education (2005: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China)
- Hong Kong
- Taiwan
- 1997.7 onwards
- Unknown or Unspecified
- The purpose of this study was to compare attitudes of final year students in teacher preparation programs in Hong Kong and Taiwan toward including students with disabilities into regular settings, and to further examine the influences of attitudes on the development of adapted physical education programs. A 15-item questionnaire was used to investigate students' attitudes and concerns toward inclusion. Seventy-seven students from Hong Kong and Taiwan participated in this study. The results of the survey indicated that students in Hong Kong and Taiwan philosophically support inclusion, although there were many concerns and different opinions regarding inclusion. The survey indicated that students from both locations thought special schools and teachers with special training will provide better education for students with disabilities than general teachers, and indicated the needs for more academic preparation for inclusion. The findings also suggest that without well prepared support services and other accommodations, students with disabilities will not benefit from these educational environments.[Copyright © 2005 The Hong Kong Institute of Education.]
- Proceedings of Second International Conference on Inclusive Education
- English
- Conference Papers
- 2016-01-07
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