Journal Articles
- 由基本做起,打造融合教育氛圍:香港一所中學的轉變歷程
- 香港特殊教育期刊, 18, 60-71, 2016
- 香港特殊教育學會有限公司
- 2016
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Secondary Education
- 本文敍述本地一所中學如何透過全面地改革課程、教材、教學法及評估,推進融合教育發展的一段歷程。該校副校長以局內人的身份,闡述學校如何打破教師「各自為政」的文化,培育着重分享協作的團隊,以照顧不斷增加有學習困難學生的需要。This paper chronicles the comprehensive restructuring in curriculum, learning materials, instructional practices, and assessment in a local secondary school moving towards inclusive provision. It is written from the insider’s perspective of the school’s Vice Principal who recounts how the school moved away from practices of teaching in isolation and embraced a culture based on sharing and collaboration among teachers to accommodate the needs of an increasing number of students with learning difficulties. [Copyright of 香港特殊教育期刊 is the property of 香港特殊教育學會有限公司. Full article may be available at the publisher's website:]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 24147818
- 2019-04-09
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