
搜尋結果: 顯示第 21-30 筆資料 (共 61 筆)
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  • 21. How enriching is the English enrichment programme?
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2005
    出版地: Melbourne
    出版者: Australian Association for Research in Education
    會議: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE). Conference (2004: Melbourne Vic)
  • 22. Effectiveness of an amalgamated effective learner programme for first year Hong Kong polytechnic university students
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 1999
    出版地: Canberra
    出版者: Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia
  • 23. A multidimensional approach to accommodating cultural differences in transnational education
    作者: Miliszewska, I.
    文件類型: 會議論文
    頁數: 163-171
    出版年: 2008
    出版地: Armidale NSW
    出版者: Centre for Higher Education Management and Policy, University of New England
    會議: Australian and New Zealand Comparative and International Education Society. Conference (2007: University of Auckland,New Zealand)
  • 24. Toward school-based management: Uncertainty, meaning, opportunity, and development
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: International Journal of Educational Reform, 8(1), 25-36, 1999
    出版年: 1999
    出版者: Rowman & Littlefield Education
  • 25. Evaluation of a sexual abuse prevention program for female Chinese adolescents with mild mental retardation
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: American Journal on Mental Retardation, 103(2), 105-116, 1998
    出版年: 1998
    出版者: American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • 26. Examining negotiation in peer group oral assessment: What are the implications?
    作者: Gan, Zhengdong
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 31(1), 3.1-3.20, 2008
    出版年: 2008
    出版者: Applied Linguistics Association of Australia
  • 27. What effective classroom? Towards a paradigm shift
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 19(4), 365-385, 2008
    出版年: 2008
    出版者: Routledge
  • 28. Parent-child parallel-group intervention for childhood aggression in Hong Kong
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties, 11(1), 31-48, 2006
    出版年: 2006
    出版者: Routledge
  • 29. Hong Kong student teachers' beliefs about children's learning: Influences of a cross-cultural early childhood teaching experience
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    出版年: 2007
    出版者: University of Newcastle, Faculty of Education
  • 30. Validation of a Chinese achievement goal orientation questionnaire
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: British Journal of Educational Psychology, 78(2), 331-353, 2008
    出版年: 2008
    出版者: British Psychological Society

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