
搜尋結果: 顯示第 1-10 筆資料 (共 40 筆)
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  • 1. 素養導向的說話教學-香港小學說話教學探究
    作者: 李正芬
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: 課程與教學, 24(4), 103-134, 2021
    出版年: 2021
    出版者: 中華民國課程與教學學會
  • 2. The benefits of metacognitive reading strategy awareness instruction for young learners of English as a second language
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Literacy, (0), - , 2019
    出版年: 2019
    出版者: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • 3. The development of school autonomy and accountability in Hong Kong
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: The International Journal of Educational Management, 30(7), 1207-1230, 2016
    出版年: 2016
    出版者: Emerald Group Publishing, Limited
  • 4. Developing students' critical thinking skills through visual literacy in the New Secondary School Curriculum in Hong Kong
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 36(3), 379-379, 2016
    出版年: 2016
    出版者: Routledge
  • 5. Bidirectional relationship between visual spatial skill and Chinese character reading in Chinese kindergartners: A cross-lagged analysis
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    出版年: 2016
    出版者: Academic Press
  • 6. A comparison of phonological awareness, lexical compounding, and homophone training for Chinese word reading in Hong Kong kindergartners
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Early Education & Development, 23(4), 475-492, 2012
    出版年: 2012
    出版者: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
  • 7. Fostering learner autonomy in English for Science: A collaborative digital video project in a technological learning environment
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Language Learning & Technology, 15(3), 68-86, 2011
    出版年: 2011
    出版者: Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf
  • 8. Investigates the latest PISA and NAPLAN results and finds that gifted students demonstrate no tangible improvements in OECD/PISA or NAPLAN data
    作者: Nikakis, Susan
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Vision (Caufield South), 22(1), 5-8, 2012
    出版年: 2012
    出版者: Victorian Association for Gifted and Talented Children, Inc.
  • 9. Cognitive skills and literacy performance of Chinese adolescents with and without dyslexia
    文件類型: 期刊論文
    來源資料: Reading & Writing, 24(7), 835-859, 2011
    出版年: 2011
    出版地: New York
    出版者: Springer Science & Business Media B.V.
  • 10. Reading literacy in Hong Kong in Chinese and English: A preliminary report on the IEA study
    文件類型: 會議論文
    頁數: 408-419
    出版年: 1992
    出版地: Hong Kong
    出版者: Institute of Language in Education, Education Department
    會議: Hong Kong. Institute of Language in Education. International Conference (1991: Hong Kong)

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