- 轉變中的香港音樂師資培訓:香港教育學院音樂課程介紹
- 粵港澳音樂教師教育
- 廣州
- 暨南大學出版社
- 2012
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 專上教育
- 香港實行的中學新學制及西九文化區的建設為高等教育的課程重組、師資培訓、與社區接軌等方面帶來了契機,香港教育學院文化與創意藝術學系的課程設置也做了相應的調整。本文指出連貫的課程設置與培養有創意及有想象力的下一代是教改的關鍵,並從四個方面論述了課程重組與實施的策略:本科知識與教學法緊扣;正規課程與聯課活動(co-curricular activities) 聯系;開辦相關的音樂教育與文化藝術課程;課程善用社區資源。
- 中文
- 章節
- 9787566802934
- 7566802933
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/6276bd4a
- 2017-09-08
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Architecture of health: Hygiene and schooling in Hong Kong, 1901–1941章節
Differences in the relationships between executive functions, reading engagement, and reading comprehension between primary students from Grade 3 and Grade 5章節
Life and moral education and Chinese language education: Trends and prospects in the Greater China Region章節
Transprofessional identity of L1 Chinese language teachers in changing multilingual contexts章節
A review of the development of language teaching and learning in Hong Kong in the past 50 years章節