- 為非華語學生編寫歷史故事:運用適切字詞的考驗與教學省思
- 漢語教學與文化新探
- 香港
- 中華書局
- 2017
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- 為編製一冊以歷史人物為題材的讀本,供非華語讀者閱讀,製作團隊遇到巨大挑戰。本文報告部分製作經驗,並通過語料分析的檢測結果,探討有關中文二語閱讀材料的遣詞用字問題及其教學啟示。檢測發現:(1)一些表達政治、軍事、倫理和道德概念等的慣常用語,並不容易改寫或詮釋;(2)製作初期恐怕會太深太難的詞語,不少都在香港小學學生學習的字詞範圍之內;(3)漢字數量繁多,有些字形看起來大同小異,加上不同電腦字體的筆畫變異,可能困擾非華語學習者,值得正視。[Copyright © 2017 中華書局(香港)有限公司.]
- 中文
- 章節
- 9789888489343
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/51a4af4c
- 2018-03-16
Life and values education in Hong Kong章節
An account of environmental education in Hong Kong: The role of non-formal and informal education章節
The use of epistemic network analysis in analysing classroom discourse in EMI-science classrooms章節
Architecture of health: Hygiene and schooling in Hong Kong, 1901–1941章節
Differences in the relationships between executive functions, reading engagement, and reading comprehension between primary students from Grade 3 and Grade 5章節
Life and moral education and Chinese language education: Trends and prospects in the Greater China Region章節
Transprofessional identity of L1 Chinese language teachers in changing multilingual contexts章節
A review of the development of language teaching and learning in Hong Kong in the past 50 years章節