- 香港中學中國語文科教學問題綜論
- 第七屆世界華語文教學研討會論文集:第四冊 (教學應用組)
- 台灣
- 世界華語文教育學會
- 2003
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- 2002年9月,香港所有中學中國語文科實行單元教學。這種新的改變自然帶來新的教學問題。20位老師就著新課程發表了文章,其中最多人提到又關心的是單元教學和資訊科技在教學上應用的問題,本文就著這兩個問題來作探討,並提出意見讓教育工作者參考。
- 中文
- 章節
- 9578505345
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/30c83f0c
- 2015-06-12
Investigating learning behaviors and intervention effectiveness of students with special educational needs章節
Life and values education in Hong Kong章節
An account of environmental education in Hong Kong: The role of non-formal and informal education章節
The use of epistemic network analysis in analysing classroom discourse in EMI-science classrooms章節
Architecture of health: Hygiene and schooling in Hong Kong, 1901–1941章節
Differences in the relationships between executive functions, reading engagement, and reading comprehension between primary students from Grade 3 and Grade 5章節
Life and moral education and Chinese language education: Trends and prospects in the Greater China Region章節