Engaging young children on the autism spectrum: A holistic and practical training model for kindergarten teachers
- Engaging young children on the autism spectrum: A holistic and practical training model for kindergarten teachers
- Hong Kong Journal of Special Education, 20, 100-121, 2018
- The Special Education Society of Hong Kong
- 2018
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- The present action research examined the effectiveness of one pre-school teacher professional development with the focus of deep understanding of autism behaviour and the practical application of three evidence-based strategies: social story (auditory means), TEACCH (visual support) and positive behavior support. The purposive and self-selected samples of 27 pre-school teachers and their students be diagnosed with or suspected of having autism were recruited (N=32) from seven local kindergartens. The teacher participants of the experimental group completed one two-day workshop and received school-based consultations with the input from autism experts. The teacher participants of the control group received delayed teacher training. The teacher participants completed two instruments in Chinese, the Aberrant Behavior Checklist and the Checklist for Learning, Social and Emotional Adjustment (Kindergarten version) to measure the student performance. The teacher participants completed another two self-reported instruments in Chinese, the revised 10-item Attitudes and Concerns about Inclusive Education Scale (SACIE-R) and the 18-itemTeacher Efficacy for Inclusive Practice Scale (TEIP). The data indicated that the student participants of the experimental group reduced the challenging behavior and at the same time they showed improvement in learning and peer interaction. For the teacher participants of the experimental group, they showed more awareness about the inclusion needs of their students on the spectrum. They also recognized the function of having expert input to further enhance teaching efficacy for inclusive practice. The preliminary outcomes here confirmed the positive impact of the holistic and practical approach to pre-school teacher professional development for supporting learning diversity.本硏究以行動研究探討一項著重知識及實踐的學前老師專業培訓,培訓內容包括深度理解自閉症特徵及實戰執行三項有循證數據的支援策略:社交故事(直接、具體的口頭指令)、TEACCH(視覺提示)及正向行為支持。參加者為來自七間幼稚園的 27 位老師及其 32 位有自閉症診斷或懷疑個案的學生。實驗組的老師完成兩日的工作坊和接受有自閉症專家參加的校本諮詢。比較組的老師於研究完成後接受培訓。老師參加者填寫兩項中文版的量表評估學生表現:挑戰行為評估表和學習、社交及情緒適應問卷(幼稚園版)。老師參加者填寫另外兩項有關融合教育的中文版問卷(10-item SACIE-R 及 18-item TEIP)。數據分析顯示實驗組學生的不恰當行為減少了,同時學習及同輩互動表現提升了。實驗組的老師能更理解自閉症幼兒的融合需要,這些老師也認同專家能提供支援學習差異的實戰經驗。研究結果初步肯定了以實踐為重點的學前老師培訓對學習差異的正面影響。 Copyright © 2018 The Special Education Society of Hong Kong Ltd.
- 英文
- 期刊論文
- 24147818
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/1c83eee7
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