- 美術及設計科教研的個案發展與分享
- A Reader on art and design education for Hong Kong schools
- Hong Kong
- School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- 1999
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- 作者為香港理工大學美術及設計教育學位課程主任,此文章則為該學系所出版之美術教育文集之前言。作者與羅揮定教授把八位學員所撰之教學或研究報告編輯成書,文中簡述每個老師們的教學計劃和課程設計的理念實踐,從而鼓勵教育工作者對香港美國教育工作進一步研究並提倡各界人士對美術教育各方面的主題作更多的討論和鑽研。
- 中文
- 章節
- 9628550713
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/19459c41
- 2010-08-26
Investigating learning behaviors and intervention effectiveness of students with special educational needs章節
Life and values education in Hong Kong章節
An account of environmental education in Hong Kong: The role of non-formal and informal education章節
The use of epistemic network analysis in analysing classroom discourse in EMI-science classrooms章節
Architecture of health: Hygiene and schooling in Hong Kong, 1901–1941章節
Differences in the relationships between executive functions, reading engagement, and reading comprehension between primary students from Grade 3 and Grade 5章節
Life and moral education and Chinese language education: Trends and prospects in the Greater China Region章節