The "Hong Kong Accelerated Schools Projec" has been initiated with the support from the Quality Education Fund since 1998. Whether it could be successfully implemented might be too early to be criticized. But before evaluating its effectiveness as a borrowing concept from the west, it is necessary to investigate how far this original school design approach has been initiated in the States and what we could perceive about the new idea from both a leadership and cultural perspectives with reference to some relevant literatures. This essay briefly describes the main tenets of the American school design of "Accelerated Schools". Then the approach is critically discussed from both a leadership and cultural perspectives to see if the approach can work in Hong Kong schools. A short conclusion is drawn to sum up the analysis.
自一九九八年始 , 香港躍進學校計劃在優質教育基金的贊助下首次在港推行 , 這個由西方借用的學校改革概念推行至今約有三年 , 但究竟是否能夠在香港學校有效實踐 , 直至目前為止還是未知之數。不過 , 其在美國推行多年的一些寶貴經驗 , 實在亦頗值得我們從不同的角度 , 包括領導和文化等觀點 , 去了解該概念在西方國家的實施現況 , 作為探討其在港能否有效推行的一點借鏡。本文略述躍進學校設計模式的基本理念 , 並嘗試從領導和文化兩個觀點去簡評其現有成效及提出一些在港實踐該改革概念的啟示。[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]