Conference Papers
Promoting self-regulated learning in primary school students through after-school tutoring: A case study in Hong Kong
- Promoting self-regulated learning in primary school students through after-school tutoring: A case study in Hong Kong
- The 7th European Conference on Language Learning (2019: London, UK)
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- Self-regulated learning (SRL), defined as a capacity for autonomy and control exhibited by individuals who direct, monitor, and regulate actions towards certain learning goals (Paris & Paris, 2001), has received much research attention over the past four decades (Panadero, 2017). Students’ SRL capacity can be developed in various settings (Kim, 2015) and this paper will report on how a group of primary school students who are from families with a low socioeconomic background have enhanced their SRL capacity through participating in an after-school tutoring program provided by university students. Key influential factors, in the design and delivery of the program, are identified. The study collected data in a youth community center in Hong Kong. The center has provided tutoring service for school students over years. The center has a need to improve their service for students who attend their after-school programmes. The intervention was designed according to Zimmerman's (2000)three phases model. Both implicit and explicit teaching of SRL strategies were incorporated. 18 university students, serving tutors received training before the beginning of the intervention. Twenty three primary school students participated in the programme, completed pre-post questionnaires on self-regulated learning capacity, and attended interviews at the end of each of eight sessions throughout the programme. As the data analysis is on going, more details about the findings will be reported in the conference, if the paper is accepted. Copyright © 2019 ECLL.
- Paper presented at The 7th European Conference on Language Learning, London, UK.
- English
- Conference Papers
- 2022-01-05
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