Book Chapters
- 香港小學校佛化生命教育初探
- A Study of Buddhist life education in Hong Kong
- 法雨中國,普潤亞洲:人間佛教在東亞與東南亞的開展
- 香港
- 香港中文大學人間佛教研究中心
- 2016
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- 依西方早期對宗教(Religion)一詞的常見定義,乃是:「對超乎人類控制力量的信仰與崇拜,尤其指涉位格神或諸神」。然而,作為宗教的定義,則此種定義方式,明顯與世界的宗教現況不合。因之,美國的神學家與哲學家保羅.田立克(Paul Tillich)與牟宗三先生,均提出以「終極關懷」(ultimate concern)來重新定義信仰。筆者必須指出,依這種對「終極關心」對宗教作重新的定義。我們可以借用中國傳統的一句老話──「開宗立教」,來描述宗教(尤其東方宗教)的展示模式。中國宗教的最基本模態,乃是以下兩方面構成的:其一、關懷宇宙終極的意義──開宗;其二、建立種種教法以引導人生歸於價值之正趨──立教。對於中國長期強勢的教育傳統而言,則立教的意意,可能不止於「日常生活之軌道」,同時必須把這種價值觀傳遍整個社群。是以,星雲法師指出:「由於宗教的生命都有傳燈,都是代代傳承,燈續常明。」佛教的教義最能貼近「生命教育」的意涵。佛家這種立教/成教的傾向,表現在香港社會中,即依本港「家庭與學校合作事宜委員會」於網上的《小學概覽》,在全港513家小學中,有314家小學的辦學團體是宗教團體,已佔全港小學的61.2%。由是觀之,在香港不同宗教團體,均重視以辦學來立教/成教。此亦是本文所以作之因緣,即以全港最大佛教辦學團體──香港佛教聯合會,屬下七家小學,作為觀察對象,以見出「香港小學校佛化生命教育」的情狀,並提供可能提昇的方向。Referring to the Western world's earlier definition, the word "religion" is defined as "the belief and worship towards superhuman power, especially involving a hypostatic god or gods". However, serving as the definition of a religion, this approach is clearly not applicable to the modern religious scene. Accordingly, Paul Tillich, American theologian and philosopher, and Mou Tsungsan have both suggested redefining religions with "ultimate concern". It must be pointed out that, according to the new definition of religions as "ultimate concern", we can refer to an old Chinese saying - set up a sect and then establish a religion (開宗立教) - to describe the presentation of religions, particularly oriental ones. The basic module of Chinese religions consists of two aspects: 1) concerns on the ultimate meaning of the universe (a sect ); 2) establishment of dogmas to lead lives onto the right track (a religion). To the long-established and strong tradition of religious education in China, the meaning of a religion might be beyond "daily life tracks"; its value has to be spread among the entire community. Master Hsing Yun has thus pointed out "because the life of a religion works with passing down its values, the Buddhist dogmas come the closest with the true meaning of Life Education". The Buddhist tendency of religion establishment presents itself in the Hong Kong society, with 341 primary schools out of 513 established by religious groups, contributing a 61.2% portion, according to Primary School Profiles by the Committee on Home-School Co-operation. This demonstrates how different religious groups all depend on education to establish their religions, is also the rationale behind this study, which observes the seven primary schools established by Hong Kong Buddhist Association, the largest Buddhist school sponsor. The study investigates into the recent conditions of "Buddhist Life Education in Hong Kong primary schools" by observing such seven schools, and suggests possible directions for improvement. Copyright © 2016 香港中文大學人間佛教研究中心.
- Chinese
- Book Chapters
- 9789889887735
- 9889887738
- 2023-02-06
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