Journal Articles
- 透過「開放式」美勞活動提升兒童創造力
- Enhancing young children's creativity through the
- 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, 57(2), 99-108, 2009
- 香港
- 香港教師會
- 2009
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Pre-Primary Education
- 背景:一項全港首次進行的「幼兒教育質素意見調查」中,發現培養幼兒「藝術修養」及「創意」被評為最不受重視的教育素質項目。踏入廿一世紀,新科技,新概念不斷湧現,單靠傳統的知識灌輸已不足夠,教育需要與時並進,作出改變。 調查目的:探討如何透過「開放式」美勞活動提升兒童創造力,並研究何種形式的美勞教學方式有效提升兒童的創造力。 調查對象:年齡介乎5-6歲之間的8名幼稚園高班兒童及研究者 (教師),在兒童進行美勞活動課程時,以個別的形式進行觀察;另該校校長被邀請作為觀察者對教師引導兒童進行美勞活動時的創意行為表現及特性作記錄 方法:採用「隨機抽樣」的方式,由教師 (研究員) 抽出年齡介乎5-6歲之間的8名幼稚園高班兒童,透過直接的觀察法及觀察評量表,在兒童進行美勞活動課程時,以個別的形式進行觀察;另邀請該校校長運用教師教學行為特性觀察評量,記錄教師引導兒童進行美勞活動時的創意行為表現及特性。以攝錄機拍攝活動進行時整個過程,透過錄影帶再附以評量表觀察兒童的行為表現及教師教學行為的特性。 結果:結果顯示「開放式」的美勞活動透過學習環境能有效提升兒童的創造力,創意的教師能有效推動「開放式」的美勞活動,使成為培育兒童創造力的催化劑。 總結:「開放式」的美勞活動能將兒童引入創作的空間,教師扮演的角色、採用的教學模式,和在環境上作出適當的預備和配合,可使兒童的創造力得以發展。 Background: In a territory–wide "quality early childhood education survey" conducted in Hong Kong recently, it was found that nurturing children's "artistic cultivation" and "creativity" has been rated the least quality and attention in the survey. The turn of the century, new technology, new concepts continue to emerge, traditional knowledge alone is not enough, education required to move with the time, and to make changes. Aim: The study explores how the "open-ended" art and craft activities enhance children's creativity, and to study the mode of art and craft teaching methods that are effective to enhance children's creativity. Sample: The study includes the researcher (class teacher), 8 randomly selected children aged from 5-6 in the upper class, and the kindergarten principal as the inter-rater. Method: Direct observations are conducted on 8 children and the class teacher in the art and craft activities. By using direct observation, video-taping and rating scale, children's creative behavior and the characteristic of the class teacher's behavior are observed for further analysis. The principal was invited to be an inter-rater to observe the art and craft activities and score the teacher to establish inter-rater reliability. Result: The study shows that "open-ended" art and craft activities effectively enhance children's creativity through the learning environment and the teaching methods. Creative teachers can be a catalyst to promote and nurture children's creativity through the "open-ended" art and craft activities. Conclusion: "Open-ended" art and craft activities allow children to have more room for creativity. The role of teachers, teaching mode and strategies, and well-prepared environment do enhance children's creativity.[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16831381
- 2010-12-02
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