Journal Articles
- 科層主導下的香港小學教師專業化
- Bureaucratic control and the professionalisation of Hong Kong primary teachers
- 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, (51), 1-8, 2005
- 香港
- 香港教師會
- 2005
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- 背景:1990 年代以來,香港政府銳意提高教師專業水準,積極地主導教師的專業發展。由於小學教師多屬非學位學歷,一向所接受的師資培訓也是針對通材教學的需要,政策的改變對他們做成很大的衝擊。 討論焦點: 本文從香港小學教師所處的脈絡因素入手,去探討他們專業化的路向,特別對影響教師專業發展的主導意識及權力形態,進行了分析。 論點: 香港教師專業化方向日益由政府的科層官僚主導,側重於教師專業發展,具體策略是以教師資歷要求系統化、專科知識化及持續專業發展制度化為特徵的。但各項政策的制訂缺乏協調,推行的方式多是由上而下,廣大教師處於被動位置。加上教師就業環境近年持續惡化,進修的選擇往往是為了迎合政策要求,以求自保,而並非是針對個人和整體學校發展的實際需要。 總結: 政府一方面提倡教師專業化,但另一方面透過行政指令,加強對教師專業化議程的主導和對教師整體性水準的監控,這種支配取向只會扼殺了教師的積極性。教師亦需積極爭取成立教師專業組織,以提高本身的專業自主權。 The paper examines the contextual factors and the dominant forces influencing the professionalisation of Hong Kong primary school teachers. The findings indicate that the recent direction of professionalisation has been focused on teachers' professional development, which has been increasingly controlled by the bureaucracy. The strategies for professional development are characterised by systemic requirements of teachers' qualification standards, specialist subject knowledge and continuing professional development. However, the policy formulation often lacks coordination, and the implementation process is typically top-down, with teachers' autonomy being ignored. In addition, amidst a worsening employment environment, teachers' choices of development activities are often aimed at meeting policy requirements, which may improve their job security. The findings suggest that the Government cannot advocate teacher professionalisation on the one hand, and mandate the professionalisation agendas and standards for teachers on the other, which would only ruin teachers' initiatives. Teachers also have to strive for the setting up of a professional body to exercise their professional autonomy.[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16831381
- 2010-12-02
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