Journal Articles
Supporting adults with learning disabilities in Hong Kong: Insights from two decades of advocacy
- Supporting adults with learning disabilities in Hong Kong: Insights from two decades of advocacy
- Hong Kong Special Education Forum, 9, 62-77, 2007
- Special Education Society of Hong Kong Ltd.
- 2007
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Unknown or Unspecified
- The high incidence rate of learning disabilities has drawn inevitable attention from governments around the world. The Hong Kong government has also developed support services in the last few decades. Such effort has become more prominent following the implementation of integrated education in 1997 when students are now given accommodation measures in public examinations upon the completion of their secondary education. This article, however, stresses the need for post-secondary support services, whether for further studies, employment, and adult life. Considering the lack of literature to inform the professionals of the field of learning disabilities and the government of Hong Kong of the issues related to and needs of adults with learning disabilities, this article highlighted the author's insight from experiences as a spouse of a person with learning disabilities in three major aspects to pinpoint pertinent issues in post-secondary education, employment, and family/social life confronting adults with learning disabilities and discuss the way forward in the context of Hong Kong. The article proposed three major aspects to develop the adult support framework in Hong Kong: (a) establishing policies and practices for transition programs and adult services, (b) aggressive publicity and public education, and (c) developing a culture of social advocacy. 日益增加有學習障礙的個案已令舉世政府義無反顧地提出照顧方案,香港政府在過去數十年間亦發展了不同的支援服務。自一九九七年香港正式確立推行融合教育以來,政府已訂下為有學習障礙的同學在中學會考應試時應得到適切的安排。本文特別強調中學畢業後成人支援服務的需要。由於現時甚少文獻或資料提及對有學習障礙成人在持續進修、就業及成人生活方面的支援,可供業界仝工參考,本文作者會以學習障礙成人配偶的經驗,分享個人的心得,特別會強調以下三方面的重要性︰(一) 轉銜到成人服務的政策及實務;(二) 進取的宣傳及公眾教育推廣﹔及 ( 三) 倡議及發展接受學習障礙的社會文化。 [Copyright of Hong Kong Special Education Forum is the property of Special Education Society of Hong Kong Ltd.. Full article may be available at the publisher's website:]
- English
- Journal Articles
- 15627861
- 2019-03-07
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