Journal Articles
- 發展校本融合課程的挑戰
- Challenges of developing school-based inclusive curriculum materials
- 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, 56(2), 52-61, 2008
- 香港
- 香港教師會
- 2008
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Unknown or Unspecified
- 背景:香港教育改革著意鼓勵學校引用校本課程發展模式推行融合教育。 目的:本研究探討教師在發展校本融合課程所遇到的挑戰。 研究對象:參與香港教育學院舉辦的融合教育培訓課程的教師。 研究方法:包括訪問和問卷調查。 研究結果:本研究發現教師是與同級教師進行共同備課或通過校內課程發展組調適現行的課程;在設計和實施校本融合課程時,教師遇到的挑戰主要有:班內融合生的數量過多、教師缺乏相關的專業知識與能力、實施課程時因要配合課堂時間的編排而產生混亂、評估上的公平問題與及學校資源的不足。 總結:要面對校本融合課程發展的挑戰,參與的教師必須先行接受有關課程發展的培訓;學校也須委任融合教育的統籌教師,負責領導校本融合課程的發展;學校之間也須建立融合教育的網絡,讓教師互相支持和解難,從而有效地提升融合學生的學習。 Background: Education reform in Hong Kong emphasizes the use of school-based curriculum development mode to implement inclusive education. Aims: To explore the challenges teachers had in developing school-based inclusive curriculum materials. Sample: Those teachers who had been involved in the inclusive education programmes organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Education. Methods: Interview and questionnaire survey. Results: The results indicated that teachers prepared their lessons with those colleagues who were teaching at the same class levels or used the teaching materials already adapted by the School Curriculum Committees. The challenges teachers met in developing and implementing school-based inclusive curriculum materials mainly included: there were too many special need students in a class, teachers possessed inadequate relevant professional knowledge and skills, confusions caused by insufficient time arrangement in class in implementing the curriculum materials, the problem of unfairness in the use of assessment methods, and lack of resource support. Conclusion: To face with these challenges, teachers should have prior training before they are involved in inclusive education. An inclusive education coordinator is needed. He/She should undertake the work of leading the development of inclusive education and monitoring the quality of inclusive curriculum in the school. Additionally, schools should develop inclusive education network through which teachers could support one another. The purpose is to ensure the effectiveness of inclusive education that promotes diverse student learning in schools.[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16831381
- 2010-12-02
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