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Journal Articles

Implementation of annual school plan in Hong Kong: Problems and coping strategies

  • Implementation of annual school plan in Hong Kong: Problems and coping strategies
  • 於香港推行學校週年計劃:問題與對策
  • Hong Kong
  • Hong Kong Teachers' Association
  • 2004
    • Hong Kong
    • 1997.7 onwards
    • Primary Education
    • Secondary Education
  • Hong Kong adopted the principles of School-based Management (SBM) as a basis for initiating its project of "School Management Initiative" (SMI) in 1991, and imposed the SBM scheme in all primary and secondary schools in 2000. An essential feature of the scheme is the requirement of all schools to produce an Annual School Plan to guide its activities during the year so as to ensure more systematic planning and evaluation of programs of activities in schools and to report their performance. The author has been invited to provide related consultancy services in many primary and secondary schools since 1998. A postal survey was carried out in late 2001/2002 to identify a number of issues related to the implementation of annual school plans in Hong Kong primary and secondary schools. A total of 1,251 questionnaires filled in by teachers were collected from 36 primary and 27 secondary schools. This paper presents some of the difficulties encountered by school teachers in their writing up and implementation of annual school plans as identified through the author's consultancy work and the written responses in the questionnaires, and describes some useful techniques introduced to schools that were being practised and found to be useful. It was found that it usually takes one planning cycle (one year) of experience together with proper staff training and guidance before school teachers really get the confidence of implementing school planning.
    作者自一九九八年起獲邀出任多間中小學之校本管理計劃顧問。並於二○○一年底至二○○二年間,以郵寄方式向香港各中小學教師進行問卷調查,以探討推行學校周年計劃所引起的一些問題,最後成功收回三十六間小學及二十七間中學教師所交回共1,251 份問卷。作者從顧問工作及問卷調查所收取的書面回應中發現,教師在草擬周年計劃書及推行有關計劃時均遇上困難,本文找出其中一些例子並加以論述,同時亦提出一些在學校行之有效的有用技巧。調查發現大部份學校需要一年的策劃週期汲取經驗,再加上教師接受適當的訓練及指導後,方能滿有信心地切實推行學校計劃。
    [Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]
    • English
  • Journal Articles
    • 16831381
  • 2010-12-02

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