Journal Articles
- 香港生命教育的實踐:一所小學推行生死教育的經驗
- 香港教師中心學報, 17, 199-221, 2018
- 香港教師中心
- 2018
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- 生命教育及其相關領域,近年在香港中小學界,日益受到重視;另一方面,因各種原因,這兩三年學童自殺的個案有所上升,亦引起大家關注。我們喜見有學校嘗試探討生命教育一個比較困難的範疇:生死教育的課題。本文透過兩位學者與四位佛教小學老師的合作,闡述這所佛教小學推行生死教育的概念、起動、課程設計、同工對校本生死教育課程的反思,並作出相關的分析與討論。Life education and its related fields have been paid more and more attention in Hong Kong's primary and secondary schools in recent years. On the other hand, the number of suicide cases in these years has also increased due to various reasons. We are pleased to see some schools trying to explore a more difficult area of life education: life and death education. Through the cooperation of two scholars and four Buddhist primary school teachers, this paper expounds the concepts, launching, curriculum design and co-workers' reflection of school life and death education curriculum in this Buddhist primary school, and makes relevant analysis and discussion. Copyright © 2018 香港教師中心.
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16828984
- 2019-08-20
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