Journal Articles
- 全語文寫作教學的實踐與推廣
- The implementation and extension of whole language writing project
- 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, (43), 37-45, 2001
- 香港
- 香港教師會
- 2001
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- 寫作教學一直是語文老師感到頭疼的事情。許多小學生一聽到要作文,便流露厭煩的神色,覺得寫作是一件苦差。學生對寫作沒有興趣,只是敷衍成篇,交差了事。全班的作文往往千篇一律,全無新意,教師也以改作文為痛苦的事。為了要改變這種情況,香港有些小學進行了寫作教學的改革。一九九四年,開始在一所小學推行寫作教學的新嘗試,名為「全語文寫作教學」;一年後,增至三所小學。一九九七年,又增加到九所小學。全語文寫作教學參考自全語文取向 (Whole Language Approach) 的精神,是以學生為中心的一種教學法,它的信念是:文字是用來溝通的,因此要注意教材的實用性,同時也注重聽、說、讀和寫的配合。本文的目的是:介紹全語文寫作教學的理念和推行的過程,探討這個寫作計畫對香港的學校、教師、學生和寫作課程的影響。 The teaching of writing is always a headache to Chinese language teachers. Many students in primary schools show no interest to composition lesson and they just finish writing casually. Language teachers also feel that it is very dull to correct students' composition as they are all the same. In 1994 , a primary school in Hong Kong conducted a reform of teaching of Chinese writing. The school adopted a new writing project named as "Whole Language Writing Project". In 1997, there were 9 schools joined this project. "Whole Language Writing Project" is student-based. It emphasizes on the practical use of writing and the combination of writing, reading, speaking and listening. This paper tries to introduce the theory and account for the implementation of this writing project. The influence of the project on students, teachers, schools and the curriculum of writing are also included.[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16831381
- 2010-12-02
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