Journal Articles
- 課程統整初探
- An inquiry into curriculum integration
- 教育曙光 : 香港教師會學報, 56(3), 88-98, 2008
- 香港
- 香港教師會
- 2008
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Unknown or Unspecified
- 背景:在二十世紀兩岸三地的課程改革中,課程統整的概念都不約而同地被引入。有關的實施,對學校課程的目的、學習內容、學習的經驗以及評核等方面,實在帶來不少的衝擊。 目的或討論焦點:究竟課程統整的理論根據為何?它能否實施於學校的環境脈絡中? 論點/評論/建議:課程統整的理論有其獨特之處。一方面,課程統整的理論系統很龐雜,它具有各種不同的理念和實施模式,對課程的具體實施未能起清晰的指引作用。另外,課程統整的實徵文獻未臻圓熟,課程統整雖然給人的感覺是一個傳誦中的美好形象,但實際的運作系統並未完全建立。最後,課程統整具有獨特的理念背景,在引入其理論時,我們也須考慮本土的持點。 總結:課程統整有其獨特性,課程設計者必須對它作深入的瞭解,包括理念、實施模式及所需的實施條件,才能務實地進行有關的改革工作。 Background: The concept of curriculum integration has been introduced to Hong Kong, Mainland and Taiwan in series of curriculum innovations. The implementation of curriculum integration has an important impact on the aims, learning contents, learning experiences and assessments on the respective school curriculum. Aims or focus of discussion: What are the theoretical underpinnings of curriculum integration? How can curriculum integration be implemented in the school contexts? Arguments / comments / suggestions: The theory of curriculum integration is outstanding from others. On the one hand, curriculum integration has a complex system of theories that has given rise to various implementation models with different rationales and thus resulted in the unclear guidelines for real implementations. On the other hand, the literature review about empirical studies on curriculum integration has not fully informed us how curriculum integration can be implemented. It is also found that curriculum integration has been traditionally existed in a form of abstract image in the field of education but without realistic implementation systems. Finally, curriculum integration has got its own theoretical backgrounds and special attention should be paid to the characteristics of local contexts if curriculum integration is to be introduced. Conclusion: Curriculum integration has its own characterized theories and rationales. It is necessary for the curriculum designers to look into the concepts of curriculum integration carefully, including rationales, implementation models and the necessary conditions for implementation in the real contexts before actions can be taken.[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16831381
- 2010-12-02
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