Journal Articles
The unprecedented SARS crisis: Peeking the complexity of decision-making in school administration
- The unprecedented SARS crisis: Peeking the complexity of decision-making in school administration
- 從非典型肺炎危機窺看錯綜體理論在學校行政決策上的應用
- New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Association, (48), 28-35, 2003
- Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Teachers' Association
- 2003
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- Secondary Education
- Severe and Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) caused great crisis to Hong Kong between March and May 2003. Schools were suspended since 31 March. Classes resumed at different time for different levels mandated by central authority, senior secondary earliest and junior primary and kindergarten last. There were controversies over various operational issues in connection to school activities during this period, such as, whether teachers should be on duty in school or to avoid face-to-face contacts? Should schools with known suspected cases be named and made public? It was coincident that student teachers were in schools having their internship. Critical incidents raised query on the theory-in-use behind partnership between university and schools on teachers training. Various scenarios observed during this crisis period offer a window of opportunity to understand the complexity of decision-making in school administration in the light of the family of Complexity Theories. 二○○三年三月至五月期間,香港經歷嚴重的非典型肺炎危機。學校自三月三十日起停課。隨後由中央指令分級分期復課、高中先行、初小及幼稚園最後。這期間,學校各樣運作該如何進行、眾說紛紜。老師應否回校當值?學校如有懷疑疫症個案、應否通告公眾週知?疫症期間正值準老師駐校實習、大學與學校協作的活用理論實情又如何?危情境況開闢了一道視窗,供窺看錯綜體理論在學校行政決策上的應用。[Copyright of New Horizons: The Journal of Education, Hong Kong Teachers' Associationl is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Association at]
- English
- Journal Articles
- 16831381
- 2010-12-02
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