Journal Articles
- 從多元視角看九七年後的香港課程改革
- Multiple perspectives review on Hong Kong curriculum reform since 1997
- 香港教師中心學報, 7, 1-13, 2008
- 香港
- 香港教師中心
- 2008
- Hong Kong
- 1990-1997.6
- 1997.7 onwards
- Primary Education
- Secondary Education
- 本文檢視香港特區一九九七年後首十年香港的課程改革發展歷史,並從教育質素、學習機會、學習多元,以及課程是否變為中央化等多元視角,加以討論。分析結果首先肯定香港的教育質素有提升。再揭示間接或直接提供學生學習的平等機會是受到質疑,不過,香港的教育成效均等情況滿意。第三項的多元化課程發展方面,核心課程雖有收窄,但在選修科目和應用學習,以致學習的形式和方法,課程改革確是意圖給學生提供多樣的學習機遇。第四項的課程改革中央化問題上,香港是出現中央化-校本化的互動。最後,本文指出推動或實踐課改工作,要小心謹慎,要考慮承受能力。 The paper reports the curriculum reform developmental history in the Hong Kong Special Administration Region since 1997 until 2007 by the multi-perspectives of education quality, learning opportunity, learning diversity, and the centralization of curriculum reform. The paper reveals firstly affirmed Hong Kong's education quality has been improved. Secondly, it reveals a question of fair learning opportunity and the learning equality is satisfied in Hong Kong. Thirdly, for the curriculum development, it reveals the numbers of core curriculum have been limited, however, there are choices of elective subjects and apply learning as well as learning approaches and methods been introduced by the reform. The curriculum reform has the good intention in providing learning diversity and opportunity for our students. Finally, the paper points out the curriculum reform initiation and implementation must be careful and consider theaffordability of the educators to change.[Copyright of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal is the property of Hong Kong Teachers' Centre at]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 16828984
- 2010-12-01
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