Journal Articles
- 「個別化教育計劃」在明愛特殊教育服務執行的特色
- 香港特殊教育期刊, 16, 111-137, 2014
- 香港特殊教育學會有限公司
- 2014
- Hong Kong
- Taiwan
- 1997.7 onwards
- Unknown or Unspecified
- 明愛特殊教育服務於2005年成立「個別化教育計劃」聯校工作小組,旨在探討服務轄下六所特殊學校執行「個別化教育計劃」的實況,從而確立執行「個別化教育計劃」的基本原則。工作小組經歷近兩年的培訓、研習及互訪討論,並探討台灣方面的實踐現況。經多番討論後取得結論,認為香港的特殊教育服務在「個別化教育計劃」的整體定義及執行上仍未有一致的共識;然而,六所特殊學校實踐中卻確定了執行「個別化教育計劃」的十二項基本原則,包括:學生為本、課程為本、基線評估、學習目標選取、個案管理、團隊協作、課堂教學、進度匯報、學生學習歷程檔案、家長參與、檢討及跟進、轉銜處理及教師專業發展,值得工作小組作出深入探討,並將討論內容撮成摘要,以供明愛特殊教育服務同工參考。Caritas Special Education Service formed a Joint Working Group in 2005 to explore the practices of its 6 special schools in delivering Individualised Education Programmes (IEP) and to establish the basic elements in executing IEP. After almost 2 years of in-depth deliberation including staff training, professional consultation, inter-school visits and study of IEP implementation in Taiwan, the Joint Working Group came to a conclusion that there were great variations on the interpretation of the definitions and practices on IEP implementation in Hong Kong. The Joint Working Group isolated 12 basic common elements in executing IEP. They are student-centered approach, curriculum-based approach, baseline assessment, learning targets selection, case management, intra-disciplinary collaboration, classroom teaching, progress report, student portfolio, parental participation, evaluation and follow-up, transitional preparation and teacher professional development. The discussions of the Joint Working Group were summarized and documented for reference by colleagues under Caritas Special Education Service. [Copyright of 香港特殊教育期刊 is the property of 香港特殊教育學會有限公司. Full article may be available at the publisher's website:]
- Chinese
- Journal Articles
- 24147818
- 2019-04-09
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