Conference Papers
Enhancing phonetic skills in Cantonese, Mandarin and English on the Internet
- Enhancing phonetic skills in Cantonese, Mandarin and English on the Internet
- 98全球華人計算機教育應用大會論文集
- 香港
- 香港中文大學教育學院, 香港中文大學香港教育研究所
- 1998
- 全球華人計算機教育應用大會 (1998: 香港中文大學)
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- Secondary Education
- The authors aim at heightening Hong Kong college students' phonetic awareness and improving their pronunciation by developing an interactive Internet-based program with special reference to Cantonese, Mandarin, and English. The authors report that the program comprises four modules, and that efforts are also made to ensure that students will have an enjoyable learning experience.
- English
- Conference Papers
- 2010-09-22
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