
搜尋結果: 顯示第 91-100 筆資料 (共 300 筆)
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  • 91. Learning English in Hong Kong: The views and practices of kindergarten teachers
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2009
    會議: Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference: Designing New Learning Contexts for a Globalising World, National Institute of Education (2009: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
  • 92. Investigating missing conception of assessment: Qualitative studies with Hong Kong teachers
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2009
    會議: 13th Biennial Conference: EARLI 2009: Fostering Communities of Learners (2009: Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
  • 93. Qualified teacher or quality teacher? Appraising old answers with new ideas
    文件類型: 會議論文
    會議: The 2nd East Asian International Conference on Teacher Education Research: Teacher Education for the Future: International Perspectives (2010: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, China)
  • 94. 新教師在首年教學的轉變與困難:香港經驗
    作者: 陳培佳
    文件類型: 章節
    頁數: 89-90
    出版年: 2001
    出版地: 香港
    出版者: 香港教育學院港渝教師教育工作者交流小組
  • 95. 從課程定義看香港幼教工作者的素質
    作者: 戴燕儀
    文件類型: 章節
    頁數: 69-74
    出版年: 2010
    出版地: 香港
    出版者: 香港教育學院
  • 96. 促進學生成長和愉快學習:班主任的角色
    作者: 龍精亮
    文件類型: 章節
    頁數: 83-94
    出版年: 2000
    出版地: 香港
    出版者: 朗文香港教育
  • 97. Factors leading to teaching effectiveness at department level
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2000
    會議: International Conference on Teacher Education 1999: Teaching effectiveness and teacher development in the new century (2000: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China)
  • 98. Teacher supply, quality and retention in Hong Kong
    作者: Lai, Kwok Chan
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2003
    會議: Eight Nations Educational Research Conference (2003: USA, PA)
  • 99. Exploiting the cultural divide: Effective deployment of native speaking English teachers in the primary sector
    文件類型: 會議論文
    出版年: 2002
    會議: Learning from the Past, Informing the Future: Education Then, Now and Tomorrow (2002: Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China)
  • 100. Changes in teaching motivations: Comparing student teachers of entry year and graduation year in Hong Kong
    文件類型: 會議論文
    會議: The SOCIO-INT15- 2nd international conference on education social sciences and humanities (2015: Nippon Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey)

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