- 香港推行免費幼兒教育可從澳門十五年借鏡什麼?
- 幼兒教育面面觀:研究與實務結集本(五)
- 香港
- 香港教育學院
- 2012
- Hong Kong
- Macau
- 1997.7 onwards
- 學前教育
- 中文
- 章節
- 9789881820785
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/9ae0250f
- 2016-07-18
Life and values education in Hong Kong章節
An account of environmental education in Hong Kong: The role of non-formal and informal education章節
The use of epistemic network analysis in analysing classroom discourse in EMI-science classrooms章節
Architecture of health: Hygiene and schooling in Hong Kong, 1901–1941章節
Differences in the relationships between executive functions, reading engagement, and reading comprehension between primary students from Grade 3 and Grade 5章節
Life and moral education and Chinese language education: Trends and prospects in the Greater China Region章節
Transprofessional identity of L1 Chinese language teachers in changing multilingual contexts章節
A review of the development of language teaching and learning in Hong Kong in the past 50 years章節