Transmission of Cantonese opera in school music education: A survey of Hong Kong and Guangdong music teachers for policy review
- Transmission of Cantonese opera in school music education: A survey of Hong Kong and Guangdong music teachers for policy review
- Routledge
- 2021
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- Transmitting traditional music for sustainability has been a common theme in global music education. Recently, the school systems of Hong Kong and Guangdong have been encouraged by governmental authorities to teach Cantonese opera aiming at enhancing the sustainability of the genre and promote a Chinese cultural identity within students. This paper details a survey of school music teachers working in Hong Kong and Guangdong examining the current state of Cantonese opera teaching in the schools of both regions and investigate how it is affected by teacher variables including their interest in Chinese opera, the confidence in teaching the subject, and their perceptions of their Chinese cultural identities. A total of 1,974 valid questionnaires were received and examined. Descriptive and inferential statistics including MANOVA and chi-square tests were used to analyze the data. Findings reveal that Cantonese opera teaching is limited in both regions. While teachers are modestly interested, confident, and knowledgeable about teaching the genre, there is a significant relationship between the music backgrounds of teachers and their interest in Cantonese opera. The article discusses the findings within the context of a historical predominance of Western music within music education curricula and wider societies. Implications for policy makers are proposed. Copyright © 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
- 英文
- 期刊論文
- 10632913
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/98bbb27e
- 2021-12-03
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