- 香港中文準教師沉浸課程的普通話學習成效
- 國際中文教育學報, 3, 61-83, 2018
- 香港教育大學
- 2018
- Hong Kong
- 1997.7 onwards
- 未指定或無法歸類
- 本文以香港中文准教師沉浸課程的學習成果為研究材料,比較學前學後 PSC(國家普通話水準測試)成績,結合自我評估問卷調查,檢測沉浸課程的普通話學習成效。資料顯示,有超過 70% 的准教師在參加沉浸課程後達到了 PSC 二級乙等或以上水準,較之前增加 30% ;個人成績提升了 6 分左右,近 70% 的准教師提升了至少一個等級 ;沉浸課程對 PSC 三級甲等或以下等級的提升作用最明顯。研究發現,以 PSC 為導向的普通話能力訓練,以及語言環境、語伴活動和文化考察等多元化的語境實踐,可以從多個層面促進准教師的普通話進步,以及專業發展和個人成長。沉浸課程具備可以提高內在動機和外在動機的多種誘因,同時也需要照顧學生的認知和情感 ;而學習者開放心態,投入學習,也是課程成功的重要因素。This research examines the effectiveness of an immersion program in the Putonghua learning of pre-service Chinese teachers in Hong Kong by studying their selfevaluation questionnaires, as well as their pre- and post-PSC (Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi ‘Putonghua Proficiency Test’) results. It is shown that more than 70% of preservice Chinese teachers are able to attain Level 2B or above in their PSC through this program, at least a level higher than the one they previously attained. Each of them is able to get around 6 more marks in his/her PSC. The total number of preservice Chinese teachers attaining the aforementioned level or above increases by 30%. It also leads to a remarkable improvement in the PSC results of pre-service Chinese teachers who previously attained Level 3A or below. The immersion program has the most obvious effect on the students at Level 3A below. Moreover, this research discovers that a PSC oriented Putonghua skills training, along with the application of language skills in real-life contexts through culture exploration activities or a language buddy program, can lead to a significant improvement in the Putonghua proficiency of pre-service Chinese teachers in Hong Kong, as well as professional development and personal growth. An immersion program provides them intrinsic and extrinsic motivations to improve their Putonghua proficiency. Meanwhile, we need to take care of students’ cognition and emotion. The success of such immersion program depends on whether pre-service Chinese teachers are openminded and willing to concentrate on their Putonghua learning. Copyright © 2018 香港教育大學.
- 中文
- 期刊論文
- 25207733
- https://bibliography.lib.eduhk.hk/tc/bibs/6259b108
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